










The reason why black people make better sprinters and white people dominate swimming races has been explained by scientists - it's down to their belly buttons.

The researchers found that the position of the navel in relation to the rest of their body affects athletic ability. This is because the naval is the body's centre of gravity. A higher naval meaning a higher centre of gravity, so your body is pulled forward faster . While a lower navel means a longer torso which makes for a better swimmer.

The researchers say their findings prove why black people are more likely to sprint faster while white people make swifter swimmers. A professor ​​from Duke University explains, "What matters is not total height but the position of the belly-button, or centre of gravity. "

It so happens that in the architecture of the human body of West African-origin runners, the centre of gravity is significantly higher than in runners of European origin which puts them at an advantage in sprints on the track.

Individuals of West African-origin have longer legs than European-origin athletes, which means their belly-buttons are three centimeters (1.18 inches) higher than whites. That means the black athletes have a "hidden height" that which gives them a significant speed advantage on the track.

In the pool, meanwhile, whites have the advantage because they have longer torsos, so their belly-buttons sit lower on the body.

"Swimming is the art of surfing the wave created by the swimmer,"said the professor. "The swimmer who makes the bigger wave is the faster swimmer, and a longer torso makes a bigger wave. Europeans have a three-percent longer torso than West Africans, which gives them a 1.5-percent speed advantage in the pool," he said.


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